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Islamik Testimonial

Monday, May 12, 2008

Comparison of My Character With Anime Character

It's just for fun! Maybe the tests have some points but they do not necessary represent my characters.

Which Sailormoon character are you?

You are very intelligent and love to read books, you are shy and quiet in public but when you're with your friends you become the true you. You always want the best for everyone and would never be mean, you are kind hearted and always helping those who want your help. Your dream is to be a doctor or something alike. Be proud! ;)

Which Ouran High School Host Club Character Are You?

You are Haruhi. You are a straight forward and the prickly minded of the Host Club. Although your independent and simple personality clashes with the much more outgoing hosts', you cares for each of them deeply and enjoys being a host. You are also skilled at household chores!

Source: Facebook tests

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