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Islamik Testimonial

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flying Boat

What an interesting scenario in the operation theatre (OT) just now! It seems Dr Suresh was pretty bored with the operation so he made us a FLYING BOAT! At first, I thought he just pulling our leg but when he started folding a piece of paper (it was originally a pair of gloves paper bag), I knew that he's serious to make one. He even asked us not to tell his superior what he has done during that time (but anyway, there were other surgeons inside the OT). Somehow it diverted our attention on focusing to the operation. We wanted to observe the operation till the end but he kept showed us how to make it. We told that we never made one before and he was so surprise. Pretty childish. But anyway we kept him company till he finished folding the 'flying boat'. One of my colleague clapped as a support, therefore he offered to give the paper boat to her. Wow, it is indeed an 'amazing' experience.

1 comment:

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